AXPONA 2016 - Renewal A Room
The Paragon Sight & Sound room in Renewal A (2nd Floor), featured the new Wilson Alexx Loudspeaker powered by Doshi Audio. Also featured in the system were fine products from dCS, Transparent Audio, Brinkmann Audio, HRS (Harmonic Resolution Systems), and Snowsound Acoustic Panels. Paragon also displayed with Dan D'Agostino in the Banks Room (Ground Floor).
Paragon Renewal System Reviews:
Paragon Renewal System Reviews:
“the new Wilsons have reached a new plane in my opinion. If you have not listened in a while, the time is now to immerse yourself in the sound of the latest offerings. At AXPONA last week, it took just thirty seconds into a John Prine track to convince an audience of jaded reviewers that wonderful things are afoot at Wilson...Peter played an acoustic guitar track from John Prine, and the sound was natural and effortless. Sublime... This Alexx sound was a whole new level, though. Everything was right. The scale of the instruments, the timbre, the somewhat guttural sound of Prine’s vocal, the sound of his guitar. Quite possibly, this was the best demo I have heard since that first audio show in 1991. I did not visit all of AXPONA’s rooms this year, but I did not hear anything better than this... this room at AXPONA was very unique and it left quite an impression on me. This was a magical sound” - Lee Scoggins., “AXPONA 2016: Prine Time at Wilson Audio.”
"Decades of experience have made Wilson demos the Big Event—and this year's version, presented by dealer Paragon Sight and Sound, may have been the best ever. They introduced the new Wilson Alexx speaker ($109,000/pair). Was it amazing? Of course it was. It was powered by a range of Doshi Audio tube electronics which appeared to do their jobs on some newer, higher level than I am used to." - Herb Reichert. Stereophile, “More Saturday Fun at AXPONA from Herb.”
"(Dave) Wilson was dialing in the units and going over possible demo tracks for the next day. It was fascinating to watch, as every minute detail was carefully considered... And, although I promised the executives I wouldn’t write about the sound of the Alexx until they had them tweaked to a fare-thee-well on Friday, I can say the snippets of music I heard gave me goose bumps.” - John Stancavage., “AXPONA 2016: Crashing the Wilson Party and Other Adventures in Chicago.”
“Of the few rooms both Herb and I visited, the two favorites of his which are also a Best of Show for me are the Paragon Sight & Sound room with Wilson/et al, and the High Water Sound room.” - Jason Serinus. Stereophile. “AXPONA’s Successful Close.”
“Best Sound (cost no object): The superb midrange in the Paragon room (Wilson Alexx, Doshi Audio electronics, and Brinkmann LP playback) conspired to slightly best the Magico and Avantgarde rooms.” - Greg Weaver. The Absolute Sound. “AXPONA 2016: Show Report.”
“Best Sound (cost no object): The best sound came from the second floor where Paragon Sight and Sound hosted the new Wilson Alexx coupled with Doshi Electronics. The sound... was nearly ideal.” - Steven Stone. The Absolute Sound, “AXPONA 2016: Show Report.”
“It’s hard to discuss high-end audio without bringing up Utah-based Wilson Audio. The company’s name has been practically synonymous with performance-oriented no-holds-barred high-end home-audio speakers for three-plus decades. At AXPONA 2016 I had a chance to audition the company’s latest creation—the hand-built Alexx ($109,000/pair)...It’s hard to find fault in the performance of the Alexx. From imaging to dynamics to frequency response, they handle music with great confidence. I particularly enjoyed how wide the sweet-spot was—so long as I sat somewhere between the two speakers, the soundfield did not collapse… among the speaker systems I heard this past weekend, there was no way to deny that Wilson’s Alexx towers slotted into the topmost tier.” - Mark Henninger. “Wilson ALEXX 4-Way Towers at AXPONA 2016.”
“The presence of the Wilson Audio Alexx wasn’t too hard to miss over the AXPONA weekend. Images of the $109k loudspeaker seemed to follow me around show as I made my way from floor to floor. I finally got a chance to hear the new behemoth on Friday afternoon in one of the only listening rooms located on the 2nd floor of the Westin. The very large (average height) room was hosted by Michigan-local Paragon Audio/Video and was completely packed for the entirety of my visit. I think quite a bit of regional buzz was making its way around the show for the mid west’s premier of new big guys from Wilson... A DSD file of Bob Dyan’s Girl From North Country was rendered with amazing mid tone texture through the Alexx. While perhaps not the most analytical sound I heard all weekend, the tone was rich, full and lovingly recreated to sound like good ‘ol Mr. Zimmerman was right there in the room with you. The vocal image was also pleasing and large within the confines of space between the speaker cabinets. Extension on both ends was very good, but if you like midrange entertainment then these loudspeakers should appeal to you on many levels. It was easy to pick up on all the positive qualities of the Alexx even without a direct comparison on hand, which speaks volumes to the quality of its design.” - “Wilson Audio’s Alexx Loudspeaker – AXPONA 2016.”