Customer Install by Paragon: ARC Tube Power & Wilson Dream Speakers Interested in exploring vacuum tube sound for the first time, our client enlisted Paragon to beef up his existing 2-channel digital home audio system (installed by another company). Together with our 2-channel Manager Matt Chapman, they decided to go with the powerhouse combo of Audio Research's REF6SE & REF160M MKII plus the aspiration-meeting Wilson Audio Chronosonic XVX in a beautiful custom finish (it looks even more incredible in person - you can see flecks of gold in the light!).These additions are only the first steps in this evolving system, which will soon include a turntable/phono setup among other exciting upgrades. But both the client and Matt are already extremely pleased with the level of depth these Wilson & Audio Research units have added to high-resolution digital music. Though Tube vs. Solid State is highly subjective and up to personal taste at the end of the day, we find that many people are surprised by how much they enjoy that classic, warm tube sound. LIST OF COMPONENTS (INSTALLED BY PARAGON) Pictured:Wilson Audio Chronosonic XVX Floorstanding SpeakerAudio Research REF160M MkII Monoblock AmplifierAudio Research REF6 SE Linestage PreamplifierAre you ready to bring your system to the next level--or just want to chat about options & upgrade paths? Contact us for a free consultation - we'd love to help make your home audio dreams a reality! Contact Us > GALLERY: INSTALLATION & SETUP (function() { if(!window.hypervisualIsEditorContext) { var sliderOptions = { loop: true, autoplay: false, effect: 'slide', fadeEffect: { crossFade: true }, containerModifierClass: 'hypervisual__slider-container-', wrapperClass: 'hypervisual__slider-wrapper', slideClass: 'hypervisual__slider-slide', slideActiveClass: 'hypervisual__slider-slide-active', slideDuplicatedActiveClass: 'hypervisual__slider-slide-duplicate-active', slideVisibleClass: 'hypervisual__slider-slide-visible', slideDuplicateClass: 'hypervisual__slider-slide-duplicate', slideNextClass: 'hypervisual__slider-slide-next', slideDuplicatedNextClass: 'hypervisual__slider-slide-duplicate-next', slidePrevClass: 'hypervisual__slider-slide-prev', slideDuplicatedPrevClass: 'hypervisual__slider-slide-duplicate-prev', buttonDisabledClass: 'hypervisual__slider-button-disabled', lazyLoadingClass: 'hypervisual__slider-lazy', lazyStatusLoadingClass: 'hypervisual__slider-lazy-loading', lazyStatusLoadedClass: 'hypervisual__slider-lazy-loaded', lazyPreloaderClass: 'hypervisual__slider-lazy-preloader', preloaderClass: 'preloader', zoomContainerClass: 'hypervisual__slider-zoom-container', notificationClass: 'hypervisual__slider-notification' }; sliderOptions.pagination = { clickable: true, el: '.hypervisual__slider-pagination', bulletClass: 'hypervisual__slider-pagination-bullet', bulletActiveClass: 'hypervisual__slider-pagination-bullet-active', modifierClass: 'hypervisual__slider-pagination-', currentClass: 'hypervisual__slider-pagination-current', totalClass: 'hypervisual__slider-pagination-total', hiddenClass: 'hypervisual__slider-pagination-hidden', progressbarFillClass: 'hypervisual__slider-pagination-progressbar-fill', clickableClass: 'hypervisual__slider-pagination-clickable' }; sliderOptions.navigation = { nextEl: '.hypervisual__slider-button-next', prevEl: '.hypervisual__slider-button-prev', }; var slider = new Swiper ('#hypervisual__slider_386007072', sliderOptions); window.addEventListener("load", function(event) { slider.el.className = slider.el.className.replace('hypervisual__slider-container-pending', ''); slider.update(); slider.pagination.render(); slider.pagination.update(); }); } })(); AVAILABLE AT PARAGON SIGHT & SOUND