Video Cables

Collection: Video Cables

Technology has streamlined video cables away from the old-school RGB cables to HDMI cables, and fiber optic is on-the-rise in smart homes. In Paragon's video cables collection, you can currently shop our limited selection of HDMI cables. We offer an entry-level Hardwired HDMI cable and an upgraded Premium HDMI cable. Shop our HDMI video cables below.
1 of 3 products
Type_TOSlink Type:TOSlink Clear all
Transparent Hardwired TOSLink
Transparent Hardwired TOSLink | Transparent Cables | Paragon Sight & Sound
Transparent Hardwired TOSLink
From $35.00

Transparent Cables

All video cables are listed in their most common lengths and terminations, but cables can be special-ordered in custom-lengths or with upgraded terminations (connection ends). Please contact us for any special orders. Shop Paragon's selection of Transparent video cables here, or visit our showroom for a demonstration.