Connoisseur Systems

Collection: Connoisseur Systems


A Connoisseur System consists of some of the best audio components that are currently available. The goal of a connoisseur level system is for all the components and cables to work together in harmony to provide an Ultimate music listening experience.

These types of systems usually consist of highly sensitive and resolving equipment, and each very different component requires extra care to preserve the integrity of the signal path from one point in the system to the next. Transparent achieves this by taking network technology a step further.

  • REFERENCE Audio Cables come in 2 versions: high impedance or low impedance calibration and are well suited to anyone who is in the process of building a connoisseur level system.
  • XL Audio Cables are calibrated to match more specifically to the output impedance characteristics of specific components and are a great addition to any well-established connoisseur system.

Transparent customizes every REFERENCE and XL Audio Cable. They ensure that the cables fit neatly and securely on their respective components and that every detail of room and system layout is taken into consideration to achieve a beautiful and functional system interface. As the owner of a connoisseur level system, pairing your components with Transparent REFERENCE or XL Audio Cables ensures that your entire system is able to perform to its full potential.

Explore REFERENCE and XL Audio Cables, related digital cables, power conditioners, and power cords by clicking on the product photos below. Discover what Transparent has to offer to help transform the best systems into vehicles capable of recreating all the excitement, grandeur, and drama of music played live.

The journey toward the Ultimate is accessible to any serious audiophile and music lover because the Transparent Upgrade Program provides generous trade-in values toward the purchase of cables and power conditioning at the next level of musicality or higher.

1 of 17 products
Series_Reference Series:Reference Type_Speaker Cables Type:Speaker Cables Clear all
Transparent Reference Speaker Cable
Transparent Reference Speaker Cable
Transparent Reference Speaker Cable

Transparent Cables